Using RSelenium to download INEGI economic data: the DENUE

Where are the docs at? The creator of the officeverse collection of packages, which officedown is a part of, is named David Gohel. He has a bookdown book with a chapter on officedown, but it is only about Word rather than PPT output: For this reason alone, you may not realize you can use officedown to knit to PPT! I certainly didn’t until my colleague Christophe Dervieux gave me enough support to try it on my own.

Set up your social

This theme offers built-in Font Awesome icons for organizing your collection of social accounts and their links. Use icons to help visitors find you wherever you want to be found, and learn how to show or hide them in your site’s header, footer, homepage, about page, and contact form.

Style your site typography

This theme offers three ways to customize your site’s fonts. Choose from 6 embedded font options, including 3 serif and 3 sans-serif fonts, or rely on system fonts with reliable fallbacks using Tachyons. You may also bring your own font files (CSS required!).

Style your site colors

This theme offers three ways to customize your site’s colors. Use one of 8 built-in color themes, or style your own palette using named colors from the Tachyons design system. You may also bring your own hex codes to make fully custom color palette that is all your own.